Julien Palard

Python Developer and Trainer

Articles in the blog category

The art of Events

The art of using events to build more independent classes. /* Found a better example */ Imagine you have a class A and a class B. A builds B, and B have to communicate with A (call methods ... ?) Some developers (Boooo (I've done it ... (Booo >> me))) will pass a reference of A …

The ?? operator aka the Null Coalescing Operator

If are familiar to the use of ternary operators, you must have encountered several situations like this one :

:::csharp string pageTitle = getTitle() ? getTitle() : "Default Title";

You would want to call getTitle() only once, but then you wouldn't have a simple one-lined initialization of you variable. Actually there is a simple …

YAUIB : Yet another useless IRC Bot !

After 2 years of... non blogging... I'm back! This time I stopped C# (Oh yeah !) and I'm writing a lot of Python! (Oh YEAH !) So to say HELLO I'll present something useless: My Python IRC Bot. But this article should be usefull, so I'll speak about the Unix Philosophy: As …